I absolutely adore the Camp Cretaceous series on Netflix, which is an animated show set in the Jurassic Park/World universe, in which a group of kids get stranded on the island. It’s seriously SO good and a great addition to the franchise. Some of the animation is just incredible, and the story is WILD! SO intense! Not just for kids at all, I strongly urge you to watch it if you enjoy the films.
The third instalment of the series was added to Netflix yesterday, so to celebrate I have drawn two new activity/colouring sheets for you to download! Both feature the cutest dinosaur ever, Bumpy the Ankylosaurus! There is one maze, and one colouring page. Hope you enjoy them!
You can download the PDF file below, and be sure to tag me in your creations on Instagram!
All the sheets are drawn by me, and are not associated with Universal, Jurassic Park/World Etc. in any way. Please do not redistribute them anywhere. They are free to download but I have a Kofi where you can “buy me a coffee” if you want to show your support.