Funko Pop! Rides – Pizza Planet Truck

I’m so thrilled to show you this Funko Pop! Rides Pizza Planet Truck figure today as I really thought I wouldn’t be able to get hold of one. It was exclusive to Box Lunch in the USA and the Disney Store in the UK announced they would be getting it exclusively here, but there was no confirmation as to when or how many there would be etc. They popped up in some stores a couple of weeks ago and sold out pretty fast. Friends offered to pick it up for me that day but I couldn’t afford it at the time so I resigned myself to not getting it. However, they re-stocked at the Oxford Street Store and my amazing friend Leah (@leahstoystory on instagram) managed to grab one for me!

It retailed here at £44.99 which to be honest, was a lot more than I expected. It’s more than other Pop! Rides have been here so it was a bit of a shock. Now that I have it, I am thrilled that I do have it and it is incredible, but I’m still not convinced that it should have been so expensive.

The box is pretty huge and is a fairly standard Funko box in terms of the design and artwork etc. The figure itself is quite big and it does fill the box fairly well in comparison to some Pops I have seen that come in bigger boxes and then seem tiny when you take them out; so the size of it was pretty much what I would have expected it to be from the size of the box.

This Pop is so detailed! I love the dirt and rust detailing, the missing headlamp, the wonky bumper, the accurate number plate, the underside of the truck etc. Buzz is at the wheel “driving” and he’s painted pretty well considering he’s so small in there. It really is a great figure and I’m so happy to have it, even if I do still think it was a little over priced. I can’t wait for all the new Toy Story Pop’s coming out too and have already pre-ordered them all so you can be sure that I’ll be showing them on the blog when they arrive ?

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